
Frankie Little + Little Millie

I finally have some photos of my niece, Frankie, wearing one of the first tops Petit Batik made. We spent the day at Little Bay yesterday and it was un-seasonally warm - so much so that  all the kids were splashing in the water. This particular batik pattern was so popular just about every style made in it sold straight away, although I did see a Halter dress on a hanger at Collector Store the other day...... I love the hints of colour throughout the patterning. Just lovely. I hope I can re-order in this batik soon.
I have some more of these tops coming in different batiks.

I have also  managed to get some snaps of my other niece, Millie, wearing the Halter dress. This was another popular batik, so simple in its repetition. I love this dress. It's very feminine . Millie wore her Halter while holidaying in Hawaii - what better place to wear Petit Batik!

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